Church Planting vs Church Revitalization

I am a church planter.
We live in a post-Christian world now – and sadly – thousands of churches close every year. Thankfully the church planting movement is active and growing. My family was a part of the church planting movement and we were successful. The Ridge Church is now more than 20 years old and hundreds of lives have been changed through that ministry.
I am a preacher’s kid.
My Dad – a graduate of Clear Creek Bible College in Pineville, Kentucky – spent a good part of his life as pastor at a series of small churches in Ohio. Whenever I spoke with him about planting another church – he inevitably would say – “what about all the small churches, who is going to help them?”
I want to help.
Now nearly 8 years after the passing of my father, I am feeling a strong sense that I should be helping some of those small churches. Far too many churches are struggling to reach their community – or even worse – fighting to just keep the doors open. My goal is to use my background, education, and experience to assist some of those churches my Dad spoke of.
I need to hear from you.
While I don’t claim to have all the answers – I believe I do have some of the answers that could help your church. I want to humbly offer my services to churches. To give them a set of “fresh eyes” to help them become a healthy, vibrant, relevant church that is “seeking to save that which is lost”.