The Front Door to your Church

What does your front door look like? I’m not talking about the “real” front door of your church building. I am talking about your church’s web page.
Since COVID hit, our church has seen that most of our guests who come in person to our church - discover us online. In other words, when looking for a church to visit, most folks we are seeing are headed to our website before anything else.
THAT is the new front door to your church. Maybe you have a killer site or maybe yours is terribly outdated or perhaps it is somewhere in-between. The key takeaway is that every church that wants to reach their community needs a decent website or “front door”.
Your website doesn’t have to be extensive but you do need a number of things on it.
- Your physical address and maybe a map.
- Contact information that someone will see and answer.
- Days and times of your main events.
- Information about expectations for first time guests.
You’d be surprised at the number of church sites that do not include those things. I found two church websites just last week that didn’t include the church’s physical address.
There are some churches who are putting their main focus on Facebook - and that’s okay - but I would recommend still having a website presence with your basic information - to serve as your virtual “front door”.
[There are tons of people willing to make web pages for you - but they either try to do too much or they charge too much. Contact me if you have a need for a simple web solution that is easy to edit - even for non-techie pastors - and it comes with a reasonable price.]